Why Choose Retail Bag-in-Box Packaging?
Offer Your Products On-Tap in Multi-Use Packaging
Trust our innovative bag-in-box packaging systems for a total solution engineered to protect your products from fill through final dispensing.
Keeps air out, extending freshness once opened by up to four weeks.
Ergonomic, on-tap dispensing with extended freshness.
Up to 99% product evacuation from bag.
Shelf-stable, preservative-free products with aseptic packaging technology.
Multi-use, shatter-proof packaging that’s still portable.
Optimized product-to-package ratio, leaving minimal waste volume.
Less greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumed in production.

Save and Streamline with Bag-in-Box
For more than 20 years, we’ve pioneered innovative bag-in-box solutions that protect liquid food, beverage, and chemical products from fill through end-use. Bag-in-box is UN-Certifiable and offers cost savings and efficiencies throughout your supply chain.
Arrives at your plant flat, optimizing inbound logistics.
Smaller package footprint when filled.
Better cube efficiency than rigid containers like jugs and bottles, so more products fit on a pallet.
Minimize energy required for cold chain logistics with aseptic packaging technology.
Increased shipping and storage efficiencies.
Retail-friendly bag-in-box packages available in sizes from 1L up to 20L.

Flexible Packaging Brings Satisfied Customers
Our bag-in-box and pouches deliver your flowable liquid products—whether food, beverage, or non-food—to your consumers in convenient and easy-to-use packaging that helps boost their loyalty to your brand. We provide:
Convenient, user-friendly designs.
"Get it all out" packaging so nothing’s wasted.
Controlled dispensing with minimal mess.
Extended freshness and longer shelf life with aseptic packaging technology.
Lightweight and compact total packaging solutions.
Easy storage with a smaller packaging footprint.
Minimal package waste—flexible packaging collapses as it's used.

Protect Your Product From Fill Through End-Use
Trust our secure flexible packaging products to protect your products from fill through final use while providing cost savings and streamlining throughout your supply chain.
All products are clean, secure, and BPA-free.
Tamper-evident features available.
Reduced risk of damage in transit.
Secure films and seals keep products inside their packaging wall.
Extended freshness and longer secondary shelf life.
Closed-loop systems eliminate contact exposure.

Reduce Costs and Increase Efficiency
Our innovative solutions help simplify and streamline, creating shipping and storage efficiencies which minimize costs and maximize profit.
Provides cost improvement and security of supply while optimizing logistics.
Optimized product-to-package ratio.
Reduces shipping and storage costs.
Eliminate costly cold chain logistics with aseptic technology.
Streamlines workflow and improves product yields.
Efficiently deliver products in a wide range of global markets.
Reduced touches for a streamlined ecommerce process.
Better cube efficiency so more packages fit on pallets.